Baby, It’s Cold Outside

After a no-time-for-lunch first day back at work after a week off for the holidays, this evening was a welcome chance to relax–mostly.   Outside it’s the coldest it has been all winter; it’s windy and below freezing.  So it was nice not to have any activities to take any of us back out once I picked up our oldest from driver’s ed on the way home from work and Mom got home from a doctor’s appointment with our other two kids.

After dinner & homework, our 8 year old wanted to play chess.  So we built a fire, and then he and I set up his board on the family room floor and played for a while.

We all love the sports and other activities that usually fill our family calendar.  The kids are stronger people on many fronts because of those experiences.  But an easy night once in a while is healthy, and if it happens to fall when it’s bitterly cold outside, so much the better.

Tomorrow, volleyball and swim practices pick up after their holiday break, and driver’s ed meets again.  But for tonight, throw another log on the fire.

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Filed under Activities & Sports, Dad Takes A Break

Holiday Break Success

With several more days to go, this week has played out pretty close to my idea of a ‘how to’ for a successful winter break.  So far:

  • No 5-something a.m. alarms for any reason.
  • I have already hit that point where I have to stop to think to figure out what day it is–my personal litmus test for time off from work.
  • We have spent time w/ both sets of grandparents.
  • Family time:  Each of the kids received at least one Christmas present that lends itself to spending time with the others.  (video games, a foosball table, etc.)
  • ‘Me’ time:  Everyone has had some time for their own individual interests.
    • The Trio:  Lego sets, sleepover at a friend’s house, driver’s education classes, a baking class with a friend, reading…even a little homework
    • Mom:  an evening out with work friends, setting up a digital photo frame
    • Dad:  lunch with a friend of almost 30 years who lives 3 time zones away on his last day in town, writing this
  • Some long-lingering items on the household to-do list are now to-done.
  • Both of our high-commitment sports (high schooler’s club volleyball and the elementary middle schoolers’ year-round swimming) are off all week for the last time until Memorial Day.
  • Family movie night…finger foods for dinner & a DVD.

For us, this type of week is a healthy balance of powering down after a busy fall and taking time for things that don’t always fit during the school year.  Good times.

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Filed under Dad Takes A Break, Living Well

I believe…

If blogging is about information and opinions–not necessarily in that order–a declaration of what the author thinks about a few things would seem like a good way to start.  So by way of introduction, and in the tradition of the immortal Crash Davis (Bull Durham, 1988): 

I believe best effort is how to judge success or failure.  Rules are to be followed, enforced, or changed–but not ignored.   Competing.  Proofreading.  Laughing until your back hurts.  Pro sports in America should have a relegation system like British soccer.  Commitments to teams for life, win, lose, or lose more.  The iPod, the zero turn radius mower, and the burrito restaurant have made the world a better place.

When expectations are clear, kids almost always try to meet them.  Fireplaces.  Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Updike.  Crichton.  Mr. Rogers.  Classic Looney Tunes.  Mr. Tony (Kornheiser).  Traveling.  I believe college is about a lot more than job training.  Mom & Dad watching a movie after the kids are in bed.  I believe pizza should always be reheated in an oven–never a microwave.

I believe thinking everyone who disagrees with you is a bad person or an idiot doesn’t make you enlightened; it makes you closed-minded.  People who think they have all the answers for their own lives are fine; people who think they have all the answers for everyone else’s lives are dangerous.  I believe there should be a constitutional amendment outlawing the words “good luck” to a child before a test or a sports event.  It’s worth it to stop and stare up at the stars once in a while.  And I believe selfishness is the worst trait a person can have; loyalty and confidence are two of the best.


Filed under Living Well