Category Archives: Living Well

Thoughts about how to be an honorable person.

In The Tank For Fish

Neon Tetra

Our family pet is actually a collection of tropical fish.  We have a 36 gallon, bow-front tank of ‘community’ fish in the foyer, the first thing you see when you walk through the front door.  Here’s my case for tropical fish:

1.  Fish keep the house clean.  There is no fur, dander, etc. to clean up.  Don’t get me wrong–I like dogs….other people’s dogs.  I hate cats, but if you’re a cat lover, cut me some slack:  I’m allergic to them.  My eyes are itching just writing this paragraph.  So with fish, I don’t have to worry about whether or not I can breathe and I don’t have to own an industrial strength vacuum cleaner.

2.  Fish are colorful and peaceful.  There’s a good reason why some people use a screensaver that looks like a fish tank.  In fact, when my son was a baby I used to park him in his Exersaucer in front of the fish tank for a few minutes:  a guaranteed dose of calm.  To be fair, the freshwater fish we keep are not usually as colorful as saltwater fish, but freshwater tanks are much easier to manage.  Either way, a tank is always an attention-grabber.  Everyone who visits our home stops to watch the fish.  In fact, many of our trick-or-treaters are more interested in the fish tank than in the candy bowl every year.

3.  Fish don’t mind if we go away.  We can drop a vacation feeder in the tank, hop in the car, and off we go.  I might even let the algae build up a little on the glass before a longer trip to give the fish a salad bar option.  (Clear glass on the tank is more for people outside than for fish inside.  To them, a little algae is a snack.)  Beyond the feeding issue, the fish do not miss us if we are gone, they do not need to go out for a walk, and no one needs to check on them.

4.  Fish are easily supported through the circle of life. 

Endings:  As we all learned in Finding Nemo, all drains lead to the ocean–or, in our case, the septic tank.  We usually do not name the fish, which makes it a little easier to let them go when their time comes.  And when Fish 1.0 takes his final swim, Fish 2.0 usually costs $1.00-$3.00 at the local pet store.   But once you have an established tank with healthy water, tropical fish are hardy–We have some in our tank right now that are almost 3 years old.  Recommendation:  Species that have done the best with us include neon tetras, platies, guppies, and danios.

Beginnings:  On the other hand, some species are more than happy to restock the tank for you.  Guppies and platies have often surprised us with a new generation.  But caution:  ‘Big fish eat little fish’ isn’t just a metaphor, so as soon as we spot the babies we put them in a floating ‘playpen’ to keep them safe until they are big enough to mix with the other fish in the tank.  The few dollars our ‘breeding box’ cost at the pet store were money well spent.

Healthcare:  No vets (or vet bills).  Once in a while I might have to add StressCoat or another liquid to the water if a fish is looking sick, but that’s it.  They usually get better, but when they don’t, there’s not much (anything?) more a vet could do.

 5.  Fish stay where they are supposed to.  I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me they had searched their neighborhood for a pet that ran away, got lost, or was stolen.  My fish?  Always in the tank.  And if any of them ever decide to escape the tank, see #4 above–Endings.

6.  Fish are low maintenance.  Aside from feeding them every day or so, all the fish need is for me to clean the tank once in a while with a brush to wipe the glass and a siphon hose vacuum–and to replace the water vacuumed out (never more than 1/5 of the tank’s volume).  It just takes 20 minutes or so every few weeks, and their home looks great.  Add an otocinclus to the community and (s)he’ll help keep the glass clean by sticking to the sides of the tank feeding on anything that grows there.

7.  A new fish is an easy, inexpensive treat.  Stopping by the pet store to let someone pick out a new fish (or two, or three) to add to the tank is fun–and cheap.

8.  Fish are educational.  Passing up the obvious ‘they live in schools’ joke, I would add that the kids learn about biology and responsibility by taking care of the fish.

Yes, our kids sometimes talk about the furry pets that are just not going to move into our home.  But they enjoy the fish that do live here.  Proof?  We also have a 5 gallon tank that used to live in my office, but I brought it home when I was changing jobs 2 years ago…and it has been on my son’s dresser ever since.  I’m not counting on getting it back any time soon.


Filed under Living Well

Holiday Break Success

With several more days to go, this week has played out pretty close to my idea of a ‘how to’ for a successful winter break.  So far:

  • No 5-something a.m. alarms for any reason.
  • I have already hit that point where I have to stop to think to figure out what day it is–my personal litmus test for time off from work.
  • We have spent time w/ both sets of grandparents.
  • Family time:  Each of the kids received at least one Christmas present that lends itself to spending time with the others.  (video games, a foosball table, etc.)
  • ‘Me’ time:  Everyone has had some time for their own individual interests.
    • The Trio:  Lego sets, sleepover at a friend’s house, driver’s education classes, a baking class with a friend, reading…even a little homework
    • Mom:  an evening out with work friends, setting up a digital photo frame
    • Dad:  lunch with a friend of almost 30 years who lives 3 time zones away on his last day in town, writing this
  • Some long-lingering items on the household to-do list are now to-done.
  • Both of our high-commitment sports (high schooler’s club volleyball and the elementary middle schoolers’ year-round swimming) are off all week for the last time until Memorial Day.
  • Family movie night…finger foods for dinner & a DVD.

For us, this type of week is a healthy balance of powering down after a busy fall and taking time for things that don’t always fit during the school year.  Good times.

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Filed under Dad Takes A Break, Living Well

I believe…

If blogging is about information and opinions–not necessarily in that order–a declaration of what the author thinks about a few things would seem like a good way to start.  So by way of introduction, and in the tradition of the immortal Crash Davis (Bull Durham, 1988): 

I believe best effort is how to judge success or failure.  Rules are to be followed, enforced, or changed–but not ignored.   Competing.  Proofreading.  Laughing until your back hurts.  Pro sports in America should have a relegation system like British soccer.  Commitments to teams for life, win, lose, or lose more.  The iPod, the zero turn radius mower, and the burrito restaurant have made the world a better place.

When expectations are clear, kids almost always try to meet them.  Fireplaces.  Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Updike.  Crichton.  Mr. Rogers.  Classic Looney Tunes.  Mr. Tony (Kornheiser).  Traveling.  I believe college is about a lot more than job training.  Mom & Dad watching a movie after the kids are in bed.  I believe pizza should always be reheated in an oven–never a microwave.

I believe thinking everyone who disagrees with you is a bad person or an idiot doesn’t make you enlightened; it makes you closed-minded.  People who think they have all the answers for their own lives are fine; people who think they have all the answers for everyone else’s lives are dangerous.  I believe there should be a constitutional amendment outlawing the words “good luck” to a child before a test or a sports event.  It’s worth it to stop and stare up at the stars once in a while.  And I believe selfishness is the worst trait a person can have; loyalty and confidence are two of the best.


Filed under Living Well